The choices you make today create the future you experience tomorrow. Choose wisely. The power to choose is the greatest power we have because once we decide and make our choice, all the possibilities of our objective thinking are collapsed from mere potential possibility into actuality. Freedom to choose takes the intangible and makes it tangible.
This choice which we have elected to decide upon becomes actuality or the cause which then leads to the effect which is the consequence (good or bad) of the choice we have elected, decided to choose with the power of our free will that God has given each of us. In the Old Testament, when God spoke to the Israelites, He said it this way; “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore CHOOSE life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” ( Deut. 30:19 )
Therefore, I say choose wisely my friend. Do not neglect the truth that will provide you the wisdom of understanding that all your choices, big or small, good or bad, will always create with them the equal and equivalent consequence via the universal law of sowing and reaping. Some refer to this law as the law of cause and effect but nevertheless the results remain the same — each seed sown produces after its own kind.
God created all living things to produce after their own kind. This includes seeds of thought, the seeds of choice, the seeds of action, etc. Whether you realize it or not, we are all sowing hundreds of seeds every day in various forms. Just as an apple seed will never produce an orange tree (by God’s design), a fear based thought will never produce life, but only destruction to the individual.
The wrong choice will never produce the right result.
…Life is a marathon and so are your personal finances. Just as an athlete trains for a marathon, you must train in the area of finance.
While you are alive, you are always on the battleground of life. Therefore, it is imperative that you learn how to properly defend yourself and discern when the right time is to go on the offensive is so you can stop merely being reactive but launch an offensive to take ground on your dreams and destiny.
The last thing you want is to find yourself naked and alone going head to toe with all the ravenous wolves out there in life, who relentlessly train to take advantage of your ignorance. Acknowledge now that we all must continue to learn and get our financial education.
In order to get better, we must first admit we have a problem.
When we come to the conclusion as I did years ago, that I was financially out of shape, lacked adequate muscle, suffered from improper nutrition, lack the proper mental conditioning, lacked even the most basic defensive financial fighting skills, not to mention no ability to launch an offensive in my finances (become proactive instead of reactive).
It took me declaring Chapter 7 bankruptcy in my 20’s to finally admit I had a problem. Talk about denial for a long time! It doesn’t have to come to that for you. You don’t have to be as slow as I was to grasp the fact that I needed a completely different approach to my financial game plan — truth be told, I didn’t even have a game plan which is why I found myself losing everything. However, I did possess an abundance of financial ignorance and the bill was due.
This type of financial ignorance is dangerous! 88% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck in one of the wealthiest countries in the world — something is truly wrong with this picture and has become my mission to change this for all who want to learn. It is time we get knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in regards to our personal finance and stop getting our rear end whooped time and time again.
Just as with your physical health, if we neglect the area of financial education, we will surely endure unnecessary loss and suffering. We must work on this area consistently and train by acquiring wisdom and truth (knowledge) then apply what we learn so that we may be fully equipped to finish the race of life strong and leave our children and grandchildren with a legacy that our love for them desires to provide them with.
To become a WI$E MONEY MANAGER, we must seek the truth in the area of personal finance. You cannot apply the truth which you do not possess. The truth will set you free.
Without possessing the key of truth, you do not have the option to be set free from the chains of ignorance. However, when you possess the key of truth, you have the option to be set free via appropriation or implementing these truths in your life by correcting the error of your financial ways which will lead to the desired result of first; financial stability and ultimately financial independence which brings with it the true freedom that we all desire at some level in our lives.
That is why with a humble heart of love, I plead with you to never stop in your quest for truth in all areas of your life so that you may be able to shine the light of truth on the lies and identify these errors or viruses in your mental programming for what they are and allow the truth to replace them, in essence, renewing your mind which will always produce complete life transformation.
This book is written from the passion of fire that burns within me to help those who seek the truth and desire complete financial transformation in their lives. I am proud of you for having the wisdom to seek out these truths.
I trust that this book will impact your life in ways that you cannot even comprehend at this point because the lessons I will share with you in the coming pages have radically transformed my life bringing me freedom beyond my wildest imaginations.
These truths, if you diligently study and apply them in your life will surely do the very same for you.
May you be truly blessed by the truth within. Always remember to make choices that serve you and the ones you love. In life, there is no neutral, with each choice made, you either progress or digress from what it is you truly want. The power of personal choice is always fully yours. The moment you take personal responsibility for this is the same moment you possess the power to change and transform your life into a life above all that you could begin to imagine at this moment with your present context.
Let us begin our journey together as we navigate the vast world of financial intelligence.